Esther Wright » Bio


Hello all,
My name is Esther Wright. I have taught in Crawford County Elementary School for nine years and taught one year in Bibb County. I taught second grade for four years and this is my sixth year teaching third grade. I love teaching and believe that all students should be challenged everyday to learn something new. I believe that learning is exciting and is something that continues beyond graduation. It's my job to help students learn what they love and to find the joy in learning and growing.
I graduated from Middle Georgia State College (formerly Macon State) in 2013. I worked one year in Bibb County teaching second grade before continuing my career in Crawford. I was born and raised in Crawford County and have three sisters and two brothers.
I am married and have three children, ages 15, 5, and 3. I also have three Great Pyrenees dogs, a bunch of chickens, blue slate turkeys, and bourbon red turkeys. I enjoy reading and crocheting when I'm not spending time with my family.